2004 AEC Wayfarer Worlds
the first day of racing - 1
photos by Bob Thayer
(note: all of these photos were - in larger size - on the competitors' CD created by Bob)

Just after the start of race 1, sailing into a nice, warm lake breeze - for full-size photo, click here

Hans Gottschling and Pedro Santos keeping a good look-out for starboard boats - of which there were many!

Mark Johnston and Roger Challis leading the first race with as comfortable a lead over Ian Porter (7588) as you're likely to get. Note Kit Wallace and David Weatherston in Ab faB (1037) in a nice safe leeward on Ian.

Neil Fletcher and Chas Edwards - in good form as always - have just crossed Stewart Reed (10288).

Some of Roger Challis' nearest pursuers close in on the windward mark. They included Ted and Wendy Gadd (7699), ...

... Gordon Harris (968), Graham Barker (8888), and Kit Wallace (1037).

While David Weatherston keeps an eye out, Kit Wallace glances astern - perhaps to admire the many boats behind him?

Also in good shape at the first mark were Roger Shepherd and Joanne.

Toby Mace (r) approaches the windward mark with a bit of "ground" to make up. Meanwhile starboard tackers, Doug Netherton (blue hull) and Mike O'Malley behind him present a problem for Jay Colville (404) and Peter Rahn (286). On the far right, the Taylor brothers (7673) may be about to meet John Goudie.

Jay Colville and Ian Harley in Sink the Pink are headed for the mark,
having crossed and tacked on Mike O'Malley with Justin Denny.

Not off to the most auspicious beginning to their Worlds are John Dowling (l) and John de Boer (7351)
as they approach the windward mark in the bottom half of the fleet.

And the Taylor lads can't be too pleased, either. Here they have just taken Reg Bunt's wind as they prepare to round. In the background, Søren Jensen (9355) is about to ...

... pass astern of Bob Kennedy on their way to the layline which here is occupied by Andrew and Nigel Gumley who in turn are being chased by Peter Kozak and Annelies Groen. But if you think, Andrew looks under-amused, have a look at ...

... Uncle Al and Marc Bennett who are about to round well into the 40's - a rare frown on Marc's usually smiling countenance. The one saving grace is that Uncle Al's Worlds buddies and arch-rivals, Søren and Jesper are even further behind, just crossing astern of Alan Bell (gray hull). This would be the first of 6 Worlds races in which Al managed to near the windward mark out of the top 40! Not his usual form!!

(l to r) Peter Ayres, Dave Hansman (I believe), Liz Feibusch,
Ed Gillespie, Brian Mills and John Goudie in front of Alan Chaplin.

As Brian, John G and Alan prepare to round, Søren makes sure he'll lay the mark by crossing Ed before ......

... he tacks to follow Liz Feibusch and Frances Lilley.
Doug Honey and Becky Robson have tacked to leeward and ahead of Chris Purtle and Chris Ryan, who ...

... get set for their spinnaker run.

Andrew Haill rounds just ahead of Alastair Ryder-Turner who has Alan Simpkins on his tail. Despite a very loose jib halyard, Ed Morysiak (white hull behind Alan) has hung in there quite well against Dave Hansman off his bow. Just to the left of the mark is Ted Lacelle, I think.

The yellows battle it out: Richard and Michele reach the mark just ahead of Kevin and Shirley Pegler,
leaving Dave H and Edward M to try to catch up.

About to round the right-hand gate mark more sedately than Nick (864) are John Dowling (8322) and Hans (938).

The left-hand mark gets more action - (l to r) Alan Bell, Andrew Gumley,
Bob Kennedy, Reg Bunt, Thomas Vendely, Geoff Edwards

Most of the leaders - l to r: Graham Barker, Gordon Harris, Roger Challis and Neil Fletcher - are going right. Just rounding is Chris Purtle. Just rounded are - l to r: Ed, Stephan, Alan B, Bob K, Thomas with Geoff just off his leeward bow.
AEC Wayfarer Worlds links
competitor profiles
complete results
report by Uncle Al
report from Richard & Michele
the real story by Toby Mace and Neil Fletcher
how we all fared
we got letters
the Whiffle that covered the Worlds

photos from on shore
on shore with Richard Johnson
on shore with Gord Leachman
at PCYC with John de Boer and Dave Hansman
at PCYC with Liz Feibusch and Tony Hunt
on shore with Uncle Al - 1
on shore with Uncle Al - 2
caricatures with Diane Zaremba (W440)
Saturday's Banquet
the Awards
one group's aftermath
a few pics of the champion boat's layout
the AEC Wayfarer Worlds Annex
at PCYC with Geoff Lepper - 1
at PCYC with Geoff Lepper - 2
at PCYC with Geoff Lepper - 3
Wayfarer Worlds XII: as Paul Robinson captured them:
Thursday's racing - 1
Thursday's racing - 2
Friday night was caricature night
leaving MSC for Saturday's final race
the Banquet