1986 Worlds
Race #3 - part 3
photos by Robert Terry
Please! If you can add or correct any info that should go
below any photo, contact Uncle Al. Many thanks!
... while Don Gallagher (RED HERRING) and George Blanchard (4600) round smoothly ...
Joe and Jeff have been done in by a bad puff.
And what's worse, the camera is right there to record ...
... their capsize drill as all those boats they had worked so hard to get ahead of roll on by.
And not one of them has the decency to dump in sympathy!
It's moments like this that make me always climb into the boat the moment it looks like it may be committed to coming up - even if that occasionally means another dump when I get a bit too eager. In that case, it's a slow dump where I always have an easy time getting right back onto the board and it has never taken me more than that second try!
At this point, my first priority is to get the board full up, an action which stabilizes the boat while I help the crew aboard. Unless that's their spinnaker still up (which it looks like), nothing other than getting the board up should in my opinion take priority over getting the other person back aboard. It takes a lot out of you, especially in cold water, to hang like Jeff (?) is hanging here.
No problems for George Blanchard, age 72, who heads in after placing 26th
but still looks fresh enough for another race or two!
In the more sheltered bay, things are more relaxing as Jimmy and Elaine (7676) and James Harden and Tony Perkins (7043) head in. To see a remedy for the PWC disease visible above, click here
Tony and James make a perfect landfall.
While this woodie looks to need some repair after a breezy day, Mike Codd has still not had enough ...
... and is going out to learn how Robin and June can make W4286 Chough always go so fast.
'86 Worlds
Ashore Pics
Photos of Action Afloat
Practice Race, etc.
Race #1 - 1
Race #1 - 2
Race #1 - 3
Race #2 - 1
Race #2 - 2
Race #2 - 3
Race #3 - 1
Race #3 - 2
Race #3 - 3
Race #4 - 1
Race #4 - 2
Race #4 - 3
Race #5 - 1
Race #5 - 2
Race #5 - 3
Race #6 - 1
Race #6 - 2
Race #6 - 3
Race #6 - 4
Race #7
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