Case 47: In the photo below, Al (W9355) and Sten (W9067) are approaching a mass of spinnakering Wayfarers in the 2002 DM on Furesøen.
1. What do the Rules basically require in this situation - of Al? of Sten? of the starboard boats?
2. Is Sten entitled to get "room to tack" from Al here?
Is Al entitled to get "room" from Sten if Al should need to bear away to avoid a starboard tacker?

1. Both Al and Sten, being on port, must keep clear of all starboard boats as per rule 10. Al must of course, also keep clear of Sten who is leeward boat to him.
2. Possibly. Right-of-way boats coming at Sten could rank as an obstruction requiring him to "make a substantial course change", but the boats are converging so rapidly (a combined 10 knots or more), that it may well be too late for Al to respond without Al and Sten both breaking rule 15 in regards to spinnaker boats over which they would suddenly have acquired right of way.
3. Yes. The starboard boats rank as obstructions to Al and Sten. Thus, rule 19 (Room to Pass an Obstruction) applies, and if Sten passes to leeward of them, he must give Al room to do likewise.

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