Helm: Ed Gillespie (above in acting debut at Hayling in 1983)
Club: Aberdeen-Stonehaven YC
Age: 59
Crew: Winnie Gillespie
Club: Aberdeen-Stonehaven YC
Age: 57
Worlds Experience:
2001: 54th
1992: 43rd=
1983: 27th
Worlds Experience:
2001: 54th
1992: 43rd=
1983: 27th
Sailing History: Started sailing  32 yrs ago.Since then has raced dinghies, mostly Wayfarers,competing at club, national & world level. Has also cruised in keel boats ranging from 27 to 52ft extensively round the west coast of Scotland but also in Greece ,Turkey, Portugal,Spain and in the USA.
Sailing History: Started sailing  32 yrs ago.Since then has raced dinghies, mostly Wayfarers,competing at club, national & world level. Has also cruised in keel boats ranging from 27 to 52ft extensively round the west coast of Scotland but also in Greece ,Turkey, Portugal,Spain and in the USA.
When not sailing: Now retired but seems to be busier than ever. Involved with various companies as an non executive director.
Interests: Apart from sailing, shooting as in hunting, reading, wine & food.

When not sailing: Also retired but has a full time job looking after Ed.
Interests: Apart from sailing, gardening, knitting, cooking & entertaining.