the 2009 Wayfarer Chesapeake Cruise
as recalled by Brandon McClintock


Wednesday morning: Richard Watterson zeroes in on Tangier Island after leaving Crisfield Harbor.

André Girard: What could be easier than sailing solo??

Parks Marina, Tangier Island: Visiting aboard Osprey with Jim and Linda Heffernan are (l to r) Steve Roney, Jane Korver, André Girard

(clockwise from left on Osprey) Tony Krauss, Gary and Brian Hirsch, Dick Harrington, Richard Watterson

Quintessential Osprey cavorting: Linda Heffernan and Tony Krauss

Thursday: Windless to Watts. Dick and Jane in Blue Mist, a rowboat built for two??

Tony has found a little slant of wind and keeps inching closer to Watts.

Thank goodness for the motor!! Everyone loves André!!

I (Uncle Al) thought that this was Richard Watterson on the sands of Watts Island with his beloved Wayfarer, but sit corrected ...

----- Original Message -----
From: richard watterson
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 10:06 PM

Hey Al;

The picture of me on the sand is not Watts island it is Watterson Island.  It was a tiny bit of sand sticking out of the water on the way from Tangier to Smith island.  I was intrigued with all that sand we saw to our right plus I wanted to see what André was doing so we went over there.  I claimed this little spot of sand for myself.  

Richard W

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